How to Receive

Troubleshooting Guide for Digital-to-Analog Converter Boxes and Digital Televisions


The digital television (DTV) transition refers to the switch from analog to digital broadcast television. All full-power television stations have stopped broadcasting in analog, and now broadcast only in digital. If you aren’t receiving digital signals on your analog TV, you can purchase a digital-to-analog converter box from an electronics retailer.

If you are having difficulty receiving digital broadcast stations in your area, this troubleshooting guide provides a connections checklist and tips on reception of digital signals.

Use an Antenna that Provides Good Reception of All Channels

  • Most existing antennas used by consumers will provide good reception of DTV signals. (Before making any changes, try your existing antenna first to see of it allows you to receive all the stations you normally watch.)
  • For watching DTV signals, you will need an antenna that provides good reception of both VHF signals (channels 2-13) and UHF signals (channels 14-51) to reliably receive all of the digital signals broadcast in your area.
  • Many antennas are designed only for reception of either VHF or UHF signals (but not both). For example, the commonly used “rabbit ears” indoor antenna is only suitable for receiving VHF signals. To receive UHF signals, an indoor antenna should also include a wire loop or other feature for reception in that band.
  • The reception capabilities of TV antennas also vary considerably, so be sure to talk to retail consultants and look at information on the packaging and/or the Internet to make sure that any new antenna you may choose provides good reception of both VHF and UHF channels. In addition, if you use an indoor antenna and receive signals on VHF channels, you may need to use an antenna with amplification.
  • Many antennas currently being sold as “HDTV Antennas,” perform best at receiving UHF signals; some of these models state that they provide reception of signals on channels 7-13 but actually perform less well receiving those channels. If you obtain one of these antennas, be sure it provides good reception of all the VHF channels as well as the UHF channels.

Check Your Connections

  • Check that your digital-to-analog converter box or digital television is connected properly. Make sure your antenna is connected to the antenna input of your digital-to-analog converter box or digital television. If using a digital-to-analog converter box, also ensure that the antenna output of your converter box is connected to the antenna input of your analog TV. Refer to the owner’s manuals of your components if you are unsure of the proper connections.
  • Ensure that your components are plugged in and have their power turned on.
  • If you have a digital-to-analog converter box, tune your analog TV to channel 3. You should see a set-up menu or picture displayed on your TV screen. If you do not see a set-up menu or picture, tune your TV to channel 4. If you still do not see a set-up menu or picture, recheck your connections.

Perform a Channel Scan

  • Digital-to-analog converter boxes and digital televisions have a button, usually on the remote control, that is labeled “set-up” or “menu” or some similar term. Press that button to access the set-up menu.
  • Using the directional arrow buttons on your remote, scroll to the option that allows you to perform a “channel scan.” The channel scan will automatically search for digital broadcast channels that are available in your area. Consult the owner’s manual of your digital-to-analog converter box or digital television for detailed instructions on how to perform a channel scan for your device.
  • Once the channel scan is complete, you will be able to tune to the digital channels received by your antenna. You should perform a channel scan periodically to check whether additional digital channels have become available.

Adjust Your Antenna

  • Small adjustments to your antenna can make a big difference in the number of digital channels you can receive. If you have an indoor antenna, try elevating it and moving it closer to an exterior wall of your home. After adjusting your antenna, perform another channel scan to see if your reception is improved.
  • While adjusting your antenna, it may be helpful to access the “signal strength meter” on your digital-to-analog converter box or digital television to determine whether your adjustments are improving the signals’ strength. The signal strength meter is usually accessed through the menu feature on your remote control. Refer to the owner’s manual of your device for detailed instructions on how to access its signal strength meter. Remember to do another channel scan after you have adjusted your antenna.
  • Television stations broadcasting in digital use both the VHF band (channels 2-13) and UHF band (channels 14-51). Many indoor antennas use “rabbit ears” for the VHF band and a “loop” or “bow-tie” antenna for the UHF band. Make sure you are using an antenna that covers both the VHF and UHF bands and have connected it properly.

If You are Still Having Difficulty

  • If you are not receiving certain digital TV stations, this does not necessarily mean there is a problem with your antenna or digital-to-analog converter box or digital television. Check with the TV station to find out whether they are planning changes that will improve reception.
  • Digital broadcasting generally provides a clear picture; however, if the signal falls below a certain minimum strength, the picture can disappear. This “cliff effect” means that if you watch analog TV stations that have static and distortion, you may have to adjust or upgrade your antenna system.
  • Simple indoor antennas provide minimal performance that may not be suitable for your location. If you are unable to obtain satisfactory DTV reception with your current indoor antenna, you may wish to obtain an indoor antenna that includes features for better reception of UHF signals, as well as VHF, and/or an amplifier to boost the received signal (often referred to as an active indoor antenna).
  • Generally, an outdoor antenna will get better reception than an indoor antenna. However, the performance of outdoor antennas can degrade over time due to exposure to the weather. If you are having problems, check for loose or corroded wiring, broken antenna elements and that the antenna is pointed in the right direction.
  • Try to keep the length of wire between your antenna and digital-to-analog converter box or digital television as short as possible for best reception.
  • “Splitters” that are used to connect a single antenna to multiple digital-to-analog converter boxes or digital televisions reduce the amount of signal available to each device. If you are having problems, check whether reception is improved without the splitter. In some cases an “active” splitter that includes an amplifier can solve the problem.
  • If you are near a station’s broadcast tower, reception of that station, as well as other stations, can be impeded by strong signal “overload.” Consider using an “attenuator” or removing amplifiers to improve your reception.
  • If you decide to replace or upgrade your indoor or outdoor antenna, many types are available from electronics retail stores at a variety of prices. Web sites such as provide information on the locations of broadcast towers and the types of outdoor antennas appropriate for the stations you wish to receive. If you need assistance with upgrading your antenna system, check with a local antenna retailer or antenna installer.

For any further question please consult us at: 626-912-3388.





  • 大多數消費者使用的現有天線,可提供良好的接收數字電視信號。 (在進行任何更改之前,請嘗試先來看看你現有的天線,它是否可以讓你獲得所有的電視台正常收看。)
  • 用於觀看數碼電視的天線,必需能接收VHF信號(頻道2 – 13)和UHF超高頻信號(頻道14 – 51),才能可靠地接收在您所在地區所有的數碼電視臺。
  • 市面上售賣的許多天線,它們的設計僅用於接收VHF或UHF信號(而非兩組)。例如,常用的“兔耳”只適合室內天線接收VHF信號。要接收UHF信號,還應該包括室內天線接收在該頻段內的金屬絲環或其他功能。
  • 不同厰家的電視天線,接收信號的能力也有很大的不同,所以一定要詢問售貨員和細心閱讀包裝上的説明和或上網尋找資料,以確保要買的新天線,可以接收VHF和UHF頻道良好的信號。此外,如果您使用室內天線來接收VHF信號(頻道2 – 13),您或許可能需要使用天線放大器。
  • 許多目前正在出售的“HDTV天線”,此類型號的天線最佳的功能是用在接受UHF信號上,雖然寫著可提供7 – 13頻道上接收信號用,但實際有較差的VHF頻道的接收。您要購買的數碼天線,必須能提供良好的功能,所有的VHF的頻段以及UHF的頻段都能收到。


  • 檢查您的模擬/數碼轉換機頂盒或數碼電視連接是否正確。確保你的天線連接到您模擬/數碼模擬轉換機頂盒或數字電視的天線輸入端。如果使用模擬/數碼轉換器,確保您的天線接到轉換器的輸入端,轉換器的輸出端連接到模擬電視的天線輸入端。如果您不能確定正確的連接,請參閱轉換器的用戶手冊來幫助您組件。
  • 檢查您的組件連接插入並確認電源是否開啟。
  • 如果使用模擬/數碼轉換機頂盒,調整你的模擬電視轉到頻道3。您應該會看到一個設置菜單或圖像顯示在電視屏幕上。如果你沒有看到一組菜單或圖片,把電視轉到頻道4。如果你還沒有看到一個設置菜單或圖片,請重新檢查您的組件連接。


  • 數碼/模擬轉換機頂盒配有的遙控器,通常有一個按鈕,標題為“SET-UP(設置)”或“Menu (菜單)”或一些類似的術語。按下該按鈕便可進入設置的菜單。
  • 使用在遙控器上的方向箭頭按鈕,滾動的選項,允許你執行“頻道掃描”。會自動搜索您所在地區提供的數碼電視頻道,信道掃描。如何為您的設備進行頻道掃描的詳細說明,請參閱使用說明書中的數碼/模擬轉換機頂盒機或數碼電視。
  • 一旦頻道掃描完成後,您就能夠調整你的天線接收到數碼電視臺。你應該定期進行頻道掃描,以檢查是否會有新的數碼電視臺播出。你應該定期進行頻道掃描,以檢查是否會有新的數碼電視臺播出。


  • 稍為調整一下您的天線的方向,你可以收到更多的數碼電視臺。如果您想收看的數碼電視臺沒有在您得電視機上出現,您可嘗試提高您的室內天線,或移動它到您家的外牆。調整後的天線,再執行一次頻道掃描,看看您的信號接收有否改善。
  • 有些好一點的數碼/模擬轉換機頂盒配有“信號強度計”,調整你的天線,使用它可以幫助您確定是否調整到天綫指向最高的信號強度方向。通常的菜單功能可以找到遙控器上的信號強度計。如何訪問它的信號強度計的詳細說明,請參閱您的設備的使用說明書。請記住,調整天線後,您要再做一次頻道的掃描。
  • 電視台的數碼廣播一般使用VHF頻段(頻道2 – 13)和UHF頻段(頻道14 – 51)。許多室內天線使用的VHF波段和“循環”或“領結”的UHF頻段天線的“兔耳”。請確保您使用的是涵蓋了VHF和UHF頻段的天線和正確的連接。


  • 如果你不能接收您想看的數碼電視台,這並不一定意味著您的接收天線或數碼/模擬轉換機頂盒或您的電視機有問題。或許是自己家里的接收受周圍的環境影響,如四面環山等。 請與電視台連係,以了解他們的發射塔的方向,請教提高信號接收的巧門。
  • 數碼廣播會提供清晰的畫面,但是,如果信號低於一定的最低強度,畫面就會消失。這是“懸崖效應”,就像您看模擬電視臺時有靜態和失真情況一樣。但您可以調整或升級你的天線系統從而得到解決。
  • 簡單的室內天線,只能提供最低限度的性能,很可能不適合你家的地理位置。 如果無法獲得令人滿意的數碼電視接收而因爲您現有的室內天線,您可能要考慮購買好一點的室內天線,功能包括更好的接收UHF信號,以及VHF,和/或天線放大器,以提高接收到信號(通常是簡稱為活性的室內天線)。
  • 一般的情況下,室外天線比室內天線的接收效果要好得多。 但是,室外天線的性能,有時可能由於暴露在風雨中,隨著時間的推移而降低。 如果您有問題,請檢查配線鬆動或腐蝕,損壞的天線單元和確保天線指向正確的發射塔方向。
  • 盡量讓數碼天線和數碼/模擬轉換機頂盒以及數碼電視之間的長度盡可能短,以獲得最佳接收效果。
  • 天綫的“分配器”所使用的單個天線連接到多個的輸出端減少,從而減少提供給每個數碼電視設備信號的量。如果您有問題,請檢查接收是否是分離器沒有轉好。在某些情況下,“有效的”分離器,再加上一個放大器,可以解決這個問題。
  • 如果你的家靠近電視台的廣播塔,再加上其他的電視臺也在這發射塔的附近,也會因爲影響到強烈的信號“過載”。在這種情況下,要考慮使用“衰減器”或消除放大器,以提高您的接收能力。
  • 如果你決定要更換或升級您的室內或室外天線,可到電子零售商店去購買,但種類很多,有不同的價格。可到附近的Best Buy,Fry’s Electronics,Radio Shack, 或網絡網站(如提供的室内外天線,詢問電視台廣播塔的位置和接收天綫類型的信息。如果你需要幫助你的天線系統升級,請與當地的天線零售商或天線安裝商聯係。


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